Wednesday, 15 November 2017

What a Week!!!! Senior Social followed by Cricket

The Senior Social was a huge success - the students looked amazing! It was a great night full of lively dancing, laughter and fantastic outfits! Aymaan, Michael and Byron (Room 5) looked particularly amazing in their suits and the rest of the boys looked awesome in their formal outfits. The girls were beautiful, their dresses gorgeous and their hair and nails done.

It was awesome to see boys asking teachers to dance, and it was really special to see the students dancing with their parents, grandparents and other family members. The beauty of the dances we learned was that they are dances that are timeless, and as such parents remember them too which made for a great dance when they were asked to join in.

The highlight had to be Copperhead Road - students maintaining the beat and their lines while parents tried desperately to go right and not left, forward and not back. You could see students helping their siblings learn the dance and also laughing alongside their parents.

The supper was delicious and a huge thank you must go to all our senior students' parents and families for treating us with such great food! Thanks also for all the effort that goes into getting your children ready for the Social - it's a milestone, especially for the Year 8 students. What a fantastic night.

Wednesday saw a lot of tired students from the Social, but they backed up to play some great games of Cricket down at the Toko Showgrounds. Rosebank fielded three teams, Roseband Red (Boys), Rosebank Blue (Boys) and the Rosebank Girl team. There was a lot of excitement. The girls made it all the way to the finals, only to be beaten in a very close game by the girls from Toko High School. The boys' teams ended up playing each other for 3rd and 4th position in their competition. It was a great day weatherwise, not too hot and fine! There were two games before lunch and then semi finals and finals after lunch.

Well done to those who took part and to those who showed their best sportsmanship on the day!

Rosebank Blue (4th place)

Rosebank Red (3rd place)

Rosebank Girls

Rosebank Cricket Players

Room 6 Medly

Girls looking gorgeous!

Boys waiting to start


  1. Thank you Room 6 for such a wonderful social this week. I really enjoyed joining in with the dances - I think I have finally mastered Copperhead Road!!! I particularly enjoyed the Dance Off. It was great to see the way you all worked together to showcase your learning.

  2. What a busy and successful week. Congratualtions to you all and especially to your teachers for preparing you so well for an awesome social.
