Thursday, 9 November 2017

Last Week SWIMMING...This Week CRICKET....Next Week DANCE!

We were lucky enough this week to have Dion come and coach our class for cricket. He showed our class some great games to play to improve your speed and accuracy with the cricket ball. Fast paced games help students not only with their co-ordination, but also thinking ahead and planning their next move. It was great to see such enthusiasm, even though the southerly wind was blowing a gale and we were feeling the cold snap!!! Nothing like a bit of running around to warm up though!

With the upcoming cricket tournament at Milton, the two sessions with Dion were so valuable. Thanks must go to Mrs Sinclair for organising this and we really don't thank her enough for all she here is a hearty THANK YOU from Room 6 - we really do appreciate what you do for us!

Next week is the Senior Social - we have been practicing our dances and they are coming along well. These dances bring back a lot of memories for me and I am sure they will for a lot of parents too! We look forward to seeing you all at the Town Hall on Tuesday night. Put on your dancing shoes!

1 comment:

  1. You look very focused here Room 6. I can't wait to see you all on Tuesday night!
