Tuesday, 23 May 2017

We Now Have 30 People Savers in Room 6

Red Cross New Zealand took time out this week to come and teach us some basic first aid skills. It was an excellent introduction to First Aid for the class with a lot of opportunities for some hands on fun! We also learned that even if we call 911 in a panic (or any other country's emergency number), it will still go through to Emergency Services here!

Students were asked to respond to finding an unconscious patient, how to make a call to 111 and give an accurate location, and then learned the steps to take following DRSABC

D = Danger
R = Response
S = Send for help
A = Airway
B = Breathing
C = Circulation

We also got the chance to bandage up a wound and to help someone if they were choking. It was very worthwhile - thank you People Savers and Rachel from the Red Cross.

Everyone was very eager to share their experiences and answer questions.

Patient in recovery position

Rachel with "patient" David

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