Thursday, 26 October 2017

Water Safety Fun

Another great week of water fun (except for getting rained on walking down to the pool one day) has been had by Room 6. This week we did not only swim our lengths to improve our swim fitness, but we also had fun on the kayaks in the pool, learning the vital skills of climbing back on without touching the bottom, to simulate a real kayaking tip. This had a lot of students laughing so hard that they fell off anyway!

We also had a swimming race with life jackets on - students were heard saying "This is so easy"....well it wasn't! There was a lot of arm action and not a lot of movement! We really enjoyed these experiences, it's a great skill to have. Students also took turns at being a conscious and unconscious swimmer being rescued by others and towed to safety. These skills are so important to have, especially with summer just around the corner.

The end of the week saw students dress in their pyjamas and then swim two lengths of the pool. Those who bought their 'onesies' found this hard going! Those furry pyjamas because very heavy, very quickly. Students were then required to tread water and remove their pyjamas. Why? Because when you fall into a body of water fully clothed, the experience is a lot different to swimming in your togs. Clothing becomes water logged, heavy and hard to remove. It was a struggle for some, but all students eventually got their extra clothing off and to the side of the pool. Well done Room 6!

Monday, 16 October 2017

Maths Games to Start Term 4

Welcome back!!! Term 3 was so hectic and Term 4 is shaping up to be another one where our feet barely touch the floor! We have two weeks of swimming and the Year 7/8 Social AND the Year 8 Supper - just to mention a few items!!!

At the end of Term 3 we were working on our Maths Games to share with younger students and to help our class and the younger students with their fractions. Room 6 were given a criteria to meet and they had to select a Maths Stage to target their game at. Then they set out, with their partner, to create a game. They were only allowed to use a manila folder as their board and they needed to draft, write rules, practice their maths, ensure all the answers were correct - and then present it to the class.

WOW!!! I am so excited by the levels students went to. I have seen some great games (and played a few too!). Students were so enthusiastic that at the end of Term 3 I was asked daily if they could continue with their game production! Today we launched our games in Room 6. Each pair of students had to put their game up for testing. Each game was tested a minimum of three times by other students and then critiqued. It was tough for some students to receive the feedback, but after careful consideration, most have seen it as a way to improve their game. Students were also asked, after they received their feedback, to critique their own games. They are much harder markers than I am!!!

We have had a great time making games and cementing our own learning in the process. Now we look forward to sharing them with others. Room 6 are loving the opportunity to complete Maths projects like this, alongside traditional book work. I am so proud of their efforts and fully intend to try ALL the games!!!